
Ms Amy MacPhee

Community Midwives

Grainne Owens O'Shea

Office: 01870 603354

Public Health Nurse (Schools)

- 01870 602266

Child Protection

Dorothy MacDonald 01851 763306

Macmillan Nurses

Mary Buchanan,  Fiona Creighton 01870 603010

Community Psychiatric Nurses

Norrie MacRitchie (Team Lead), Jan Simpson 01870 602918

Child and adolescent health care worker

- 01870 603307

Detoxification and Substance Misuse Nurse

Seamus MacKay 01870 603279

Diabetic Nurse

Mairead MacDonald 01851 704704 (ask for Diabetes Centre)

Stroke Liaison and Heart Failure Nurse

Anne MacLean 01870 602957

Smoking Cessation Adviser

Mairead MacDonald 01870 603610

Community Nurses

Mary MacKenzie (Senior Charge nurse) Manages the Community Nursing teams. She is based in the Balivanich Community Health Office on 01870 602266

Out of hours: call 01870 602161 for all teams.


Telephone – 01870 602266 Fax - 01870 602037

Nursing team members: Family Health Nurse Jean MacDonald, Community Nurses Fiona MacDonald and Sheena MacSween, Health Care Assistant  Peggy Campbell

South Uist

Telephone – 01878 700442 fax - 01878 700442

NursingTeam Members: Community nurses Dolina Laing and Sandra MacCallum

North Uist

Telephone – 01876 500309 fax - 018760500309

Nursing team members: District nurse Liz Johnson, Community nurses Margaret Paterson and Ann Currie, Health Care Assistant Linda Ferguson

Health Visitors

Susan Matheson  01870 602266  

Chloe Manchester (Health Visitor Assistant) 01870 602266

Emma MacKechnie (School Nurse) 01870 602266 

Dorothy MacDonald (Child Protection) 01851 763306 

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